Camping at the Elkhorn-Part 2

I’ve spent a lot of nights sleeping within spitting distance of the Little Missouri River. God willing, I’ll spend a lot more. I’m pretty sure I’ve slept there in every month on the calendar. Some nights (and some months) were better than others. I’ve slept there alone, I’ve slept there with canoeing buddies, I’ve slept … Continue reading Camping at the Elkhorn-Part 2

Have Courage and Faith

Today, for the forty-fourth or forty-fifth time (you do the math—I was an English major) Americans woke up with a different president than the one they awakened with the day before. I’ve lived during the terms of 13 of them, about a third, depending on who’s counting. I can actually remember 12 of them; I … Continue reading Have Courage and Faith

Anatomy of a Pipeline Oil Spill

Note: This post has been updated from its original version because of some additional information provided to me by the North Dakota Health Department. Thanks to Inspector Bill Suess for that. Out in the Oil Patch, when a pipeline leaks, or a tank overflows, or a valve is accidentally left open, and something (mostly oil … Continue reading Anatomy of a Pipeline Oil Spill